afraid to share your writing?

Back in November 2018, I did something called The 29x29 Project.

Basically, I wrote 29 sales pages in 29 days.

Technically, one of them ended up being more of an ad script than a sales page. But whatevs.

The reason I did the 29x29 Project was because I wanted to get more sales page projects from clients...

But that wasn't happening on its own.

So I wrote a bunch of them about random products.

I shared those sales pages with my email list.... which consisted of a whopping 3 people.


You read that correctly.

3 people.

There are a lot of reasons why I only had 3 people on my email list. But one of the biggest ones was this:

I was afraid to share my writing with other copywriters.

I thought they would judge it. Criticize it. Tell me it wasn't good.

So instead of promoting the 29x29 Project...

I completed the whole thing (mostly) in the shadows.

For 29 days in a row, I wrote a sales page...

Then an analysis of that sales page...

Then sent a super-short email to let those 3 people on my list know that I had written it.

In fact, it wasn't until about 6 weeks after I finished the 29x29 Project that anything interesting came from it...

I got called out by another copywriter.

His name is Chris Orzechowski. And he wrote a blog post that mentioned me.

But instead of criticizing my writing, he said:

"This impressed the shit out of me. He stopped blogging and communicating with his list… which is kind of sad. Because he was onto something. If he kept this going for the last three months, he could have been a household name in the copywriting world by now.

Maybe he’ll read this and start back up."

I reached out to Chris, and a few months later, I went through his 1-on-1 coaching program...

Which gave me confidence in both my writing skills and my ability to run my business.

All that to say:

Chris's coaching program and mentorship has had a huge positive influence on my career.

But the reason he and I got connected is because I put my writing out there...

And for some crazy reason, he ended up being 1 of the 3 people who was on my list during the 29x29 Project.

So, if you're afraid to share your writing, I get it.

I've been there.

But sharing your words can open more doors than you realize.

It won't happen on its own, though.

You have to sit down and actually do the work.

And if you're looking for help doing that work...

Whether it means writing for clients or your own business...

My new course, Stories That Sell, might be able to help.

It teaches you how to transform life events into entertaining emails that can earn money for either your business...

Or your client's businesses.

Sharing your writing with the world -- and/or earning a living from it is about having the courage to put yourself out there...

But having that courage is much easier (and more fun) when you're actively working on becoming a better writer.

My hope is that Stories That Sell can help with the "becoming a better writer" part...

And that the "courage" part will come along as you continue to write and improve at your craft.

Anyway, I feel like I'm rambling now, so...

Here's a link to the Stories That Sell sales page.

Robert Lucas